Source code for desdeo.method.NAUTILUS

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# Copyright (c) 2016  Vesa Ojalehto
NAUTILUS method variants

NAUTILUS    The first NAUTILUS variant introduces in
            Miettinen, K.; Eskelinen, P.; Ruiz, F. & Luque, M.
            NAUTILUS method: An interactive technique in multiobjective
                optimization based on the nadir point
            European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 206, 426-434

Add all variants
Longer descriptions of the method variants and methods
import logging
from typing import List, Tuple, Type  # noqa - rm when pyflakes understands type hints
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances_argmin_min

import desdeo.utils as utils
from desdeo.core.ResultFactory import BoundsFactory, IterationPointFactory
from desdeo.optimization.OptimizationMethod import OptimizationMethod
from desdeo.optimization.OptimizationProblem import (
from desdeo.preference.PreferenceInformation import DirectSpecification
from desdeo.utils import misc, reachable_points
from desdeo.utils.warnings import UnexpectedCondition

from .base import InteractiveMethod

class NAUTILUS(InteractiveMethod):

    def __init__(self, method, method_class: Type[OptimizationMethod]) -> None:
        super().__init__(method, method_class)
        self.user_iters = 5
        self.current_iter = self.user_iters

        self.fh_factory = IterationPointFactory(
        self.upper_bounds_factory = BoundsFactory(
        self.lower_bounds_factory = BoundsFactory(

        self.preference = None

        self.fh_lo, self.zh = tuple(self.problem.objective_bounds())
        self.fh = list(self.fh_lo)
        self.zh_prev = list(self.zh)

    def _init_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def _next_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def _update_fh(self):
        self.fh = list(self.fh_factory.result(self.preference, self.zh_prev)[1])

    def _next_zh(self, term1, term2):
        res = list(
            (self.current_iter - 1)
            * np.array(term1)
            / self.current_iter
            + np.array(term2)
            / self.current_iter
        logging.debug("Update zh")
        logging.debug("First term:  %s", term1)
        logging.debug("Second term: %s", term2)
        for i in range(3):
                "%i/%i * %f + %f/%i  =%f",
                (self.current_iter - 1),
        return res

    def _update_zh(self, term1, term2):
        self.zh_prev = list(self.zh)

        self.zh = list(self._next_zh(term1, term2))

    def distance(self, where: List[float], target: List[float]):

        a_nadir = np.array(self.problem.nadir)
        a_ideal = np.array(self.problem.ideal)
        w = a_ideal - a_nadir
        u = np.linalg.norm((np.array(where) - a_nadir) / w)
        l = np.linalg.norm((np.array(target) - a_nadir) / w)
        logging.debug("\nNADIR: %s", self.problem.nadir)
        logging.debug("zh: %s", where)
        logging.debug("PO: %s", target)
        if not l:
            logging.debug("Distance: %s", 0.0)
            return 0.0
        logging.debug("Distance: %s", (u / l) * 100)
        return (u / l) * 100

[docs] def __init__(self, method, method_class: Type[OptimizationMethod]) -> None: super().__init__(method, method_class) self.Ns = 5 self.fh_lo_prev = None self.fh_lo_prev = None self.nsPoint_prev = [] # type: List[float] self.zhs = [] # type: List[float] self.zh_los = [] # type: List[float] self.zh_reach = [] # type: List[int] self.NsPoints = [] # type: List[Tuple[np.ndarray, List[float]]]
[docs] def print_current_iteration(self): if self.current_iter < 0: print("Final iteration point:", self.zh_prev) else: print( "Iteration %s/%s\n" % (self.user_iters - self.current_iter, self.user_iters) ) for pi, ns_point in enumerate(self.NsPoints): print( "Ns %i (%s)" % (pi + 1, self.zh_reach[pi] if self.zh_reach else "-") ) print("Iteration point:", self.zhs[pi]) if self.current_iter != 0: print("Lower boundary: ", self.zh_los[pi]) print("Closeness: ", self.distance(self.zhs[pi], ns_point)) print("==============================")
def _update_zh(self, term1, term2): return self._next_zh(term1, term2)
[docs] def select_point(self, point): pass
[docs] def next_iteration(self, *args, preference=None, **kwargs): if preference and preference[0]: self.zh_prev = list(preference[0]) else: self.zh_prev = self.problem.nadir[:] if preference and preference[1]: self.fh_lo = list(preference[1]) else: self.fh_lo = self.problem.ideal[:] # TODO Create weights if not given, e.g., using # Steuer RE, Choo EU. An interactive weighted Tchebycheff procedure for # multiple objective programming. # Mathematical programming. 1983; 26(3):326-44. points = misc.new_points(self.fh_factory, self.zh) # Find centroids if len(points) <= self.Ns: print( ( "Only %s points can be reached from selected iteration point" % len(points) ) ) self.NsPoints = points else: # k-mean cluster Ns solutions k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.Ns) solution_points = [points[1] for point in points] closest = set( pairwise_distances_argmin_min( k_means.cluster_centers_, solution_points )[ 0 ] ) self.NsPoints = [] for point_idx in closest: self.NsPoints.append(points[point_idx]) # Find iteration point for each centroid for _, point in self.NsPoints: self.zhs.append(self._update_zh(self.zh_prev, point)) self.fh_lo = list(self.lower_bounds_factory.result(self.zh_prev)) self.zh_los.append(self.fh_lo) if not self.problem.points: self.zh_reach = [] else: self.zh_reach.append( len(reachable_points(self.NsPoints, self.zh_los[-1], self.zhs[-1])) ) self.current_iter -= 1 return list(zip(self.zh_los, self.zhs))
[docs]class NAUTILUSv1(NAUTILUS): """ The first NAUTILUS method variant[1]_ References ---------- [1] Miettinen, K.; Eskelinen, P.; Ruiz, F. & Luque, M., NAUTILUS method: An interactive technique in multiobjective optimization based on the nadir point, European Journal of Operational Research, 2010 , 206 , 426-434. """
[docs] def print_current_iteration(self): if self.current_iter == 0: print("Closeness: ", self.distance(self.zh, self.fh)) print("Final iteration point:", self.zh) else: print( "Iteration %s/%s" % (self.user_iters - self.current_iter, self.user_iters) ) print("Closeness: ", self.distance(self.zh, self.fh)) print("Iteration point:", self.zh) print("Lower boundary:", self.fh_lo) print("==============================")
[docs] def __init__(self, method, method_class): super().__init__(method, method_class)
def _update_fh(self): self.fh = list(self.fh_factory.result(self.preference, self.zh_prev)[1])
[docs] def next_iteration(self, preference=None): """ Return next iteration bounds """ if preference: self.preference = preference print(("Given preference: %s" % self.preference.pref_input)) self._update_fh() # tmpzh = list(self.zh) self._update_zh(self.zh, self.fh) # self.zh = list(np.array(self.zh) / 2. + np.array(self.zh_prev) / 2.) # self.zh_prev = tmpzh if self.current_iter != 1: self.fh_lo = list(self.lower_bounds_factory.result(self.zh_prev)) self.current_iter -= 1 return self.fh_lo, self.zh
[docs]class NNAUTILUS(NAUTILUS): """ NAVIGATOR NAUTILUS method Attributes ---------- fh : list of floats Current non-dominated point zh : list of floats Current iteration point fh_up : list of floats Upper boundary for iteration points reachable from iteration point zh fh_lo : list of floats Lower boundary for iteration points reachable from iteration point zh """
[docs] class NegativeIntervalWarning(UnexpectedCondition):
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Upper boundary is smaller than lower boundary"
[docs] def __init__(self, method, method_class): super().__init__(method, method_class) self.current_iter = 100 self.ref_point = None self.fh_up = None
def _update_fh(self): u = [1.0] * len(self.ref_point) pref = DirectSpecification(self.problem, u, self.ref_point) self.fh = list(self.fh_factory.result(pref, self.zh_prev)[1]) logging.debug("updated fh: %s", self.fh)
[docs] def update_points(self): self.problem.points = reachable_points( self.problem.points, self.fh_lo, self.fh_up )
[docs] def next_iteration(self, ref_point, bounds=None): """ Calculate the next iteration point to be shown to the DM Parameters ---------- ref_point : list of float Reference point given by the DM """ if bounds: self.problem.points = reachable_points( self.problem.points, self.problem.ideal, bounds ) if not utils.isin(self.fh, self.problem.points) or ref_point != self.ref_point: self.ref_point = list(ref_point) self._update_fh() self._update_zh(self.zh, self.fh) self.fh_lo = list(self.lower_bounds_factory.result(self.zh)) self.fh_up = list(self.upper_bounds_factory.result(self.zh)) logging.debug(f"Updated upper boundary: {self.fh_up}") logging.debug(f"Uppadet lower boundary: {self.fh_lo}") if not np.all(np.array(self.fh_up) > np.array(self.fh_lo)): warn(self.NegativeIntervalWarning()) assert utils.isin(self.fh_up, self.problem.points) assert utils.isin(self.fh_lo, self.problem.points) dist = self.distance(self.zh, self.fh) # Reachable points self.update_points() lP = len(self.problem.points) self.current_iter -= 1 return dist, self.fh, self.zh, self.fh_lo, self.fh_up, lP